Caring for all your family’s vision needs, since 1996.
In their own words, "Located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, Alex Gage is a two practice family optometric business that is proud to provide a warm welcome and affordable vision services for the whole family in convenient locations...".
Background & Brief
@mounsey were approached by Alex Gage himself, following a direct recommendation by an existing Mounsey Web Consultancy client. Alex had a long-established Website and online presence, but the existing site had always been hosted. As such it's wings had been clipped by more restricted functionality on "managed" sites. It also failed to professionally portray his effective corporate branding.
Crucially, the Website was also in no way "mobile friendly" - so visitor levels had notably dropped off, with the dramatic rise of smartphones and other mobile device usage over recent years. This development in particular prompted Alex to have his Website revamped from the ground up. He wisely also stipulated on his brief that wherever possible he would like the legacy content to be exported and migrated from the hosted site and over to the new Website (to be designed, developed and hosted by @mounsey).
A quick review revealed to me that this amounted to several years of great content, much of which had been picked up and indexed by Google and no doubt other online directories too. It simply had to be preserved!
The Development Process
Once my itemised project quotation had been approved, I cracked on with that all-important data migration exercise, to get things moving. This was something I knew would be technically possible - but had not needed to carry out previously... so a journey into the unknown, at least to some extent.
Fortunately no major issues were encountered, so I successfully managed to export and preserve all of Alex's blog posts, spanning well over 5 years (all of which had been professionally prepared and posted by another supplier, who continues to work closely with and for the business). Yet another vital reason to keep that content!
The design and build processes both went exceedingly smoothly - helped in no small part by prompt and decisive feedback from the client. I managed to use up some allocated contingency time in the quotation to tidy up some of the key legacy articles, ensuring that their text and imagery sat neatly with the by then newly established look & feel for the Website. I opted to "remaster" the existing (strong) Alex Gage brand logo - and this ensured it sat particularly well on the resulting pages.
The Finished Article
The completed Website launched on time and on budget, in early 2019 - with the "go live" day prompted via social media channels operated by the client and also @mounsey Web Consultancy.