John N. Mounsey

Founder (Established 1975)

John N Mounsey (Founder)


1975 ~ 1994

I was born and grew up in the market town of Bakewell, Derbyshire. With the exception a four year spell down in London (Design Studies degree, Goldsmiths College; 1994~1998), I haven't strayed very far since! Since a young age I've always had a passion for art & design, along with a keen interest in computing and (in particular) the internet.

1994 ~ 1998

The latter stages of my degree coincided with the emergence of the "World Wide Web" during the mid-late 1990's. This turned out to be perfect timing for me, as although my love for all things "Design" showed no signs of waning, I was unsure of what discipline to specialise in..

"Web Design" was the new kid on the block - and the unique opportunity of being both designer and publisher suited me down to the ground. My final year major project was a sizeable tourist information Website - and it helped me graduate with a 2:1, in the autumn of 1998.

Four years in London was a blast, but enough for me. I had no plans to extend my stay - and returned home.

1998 ~ 2000

Immediately after returning "up North" I was offered a full-time position at the local Chamber of Commerce in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. I spent 18 months or so there developing and honing my internet design skills (publishing several Websites for Chamber members), before being approached to work for a small, but growing Web Design company based out in The Peak District (Peak Net Limited).

2000 ~ 2013

Relishing the job and an increased level of responsibility, I stayed at the company for over 12 years (!).

A roller-coaster experience at times, my overriding feelings (looking back) are positive, with some great memories and personal achievements along the way. However, much as I enjoyed my time there, I also had a long-standing desire to one day launch my own business..

That "one day" finally came along in the spring of 2013 - and Mounsey Web Consultancy was born.


Sheffield is where I call home these days - and I love living and working in the "Steel City". My passion for helping businesses and individuals establish and develop their online "Web Presence" is stronger than ever - and business is booming. #HappyDays

If you'd like to follow me on any of my active Social Media channels then please do so. I'm still finding my feet over on Instagram, but you'll find me posting (at times random..) photographs on there frequently - along with regular Tweets & Posts on Twitter and Facebook respectively.


I have plenty of exciting plans for the further development of Mounsey Web Consultancy. Watch. This. Space!

Thanks for visiting If you have any questions about my services, drop me a line

John Mounsey

John Mounsey

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