Frequently Asked Questions (& Answers)

Hosting & Domain Names

How much do you charge for Hosting?

Hosting is charged in advance and on a recurring, annual basis.

(until such a time that your Website is either cancelled or transferred away).

Please note that Hosting charges are paid upfront (for the upcoming year) and on a non-refundable basis. If you wish to commit in advance (e.g. pay for more than 1x year at a time, up front) then discounts may be available (please contact me for further details).

Current Hosting Charges (Spring, 2018)

  • Standard Websites: from £100
  • eCommerce-enabled Websites: £250 ##
  • Single page “Holding” and “Sign-Post” style Sites: £25 (note: this is included if you opt for my “Web Presence Foundations Pack”).
  • Update: For clients seeking an “All-in-One” universal annual fee (covering not only their Hosting, but also comprehensive backups, WordPress updates and more), I am introducing a new “Hosting365” option during 2018. This will be charged a flat, annual rate and represent (even better) value for money. Please enquire for details and keep an eye on mounsey.blog for details of when this exciting new Hosting service is available

The prices stated are typically correct, but can vary in some circumstances (for example for large-scale Websites, where dedicated / bespoke Hosting may be required).

## Also includes the registration of an entry-level “SSL” security certificate (additional more advanced SSL options are also available, at additional cost). SSL certificates are also available for non-eCommerce Websites too (please enquire).

I already have a Website. Can I transfer the Hosting to Mounsey Web Consultancy?

Yes. Probably.

If you already have a Website, but are dissatisfied with your current Web Hosting (and/or design) supplier, it is possible to move your Website and have it hosted by Mounsey Web Consultancy.

My standard Hosting charges would apply (see: “How much do you charge for Hosting?”) – plus an additional one-time fee, to cover the time required to help relocate your Site. The for this input can vary, depending on how your existing Website has been built.

Enquire about Web Hosting

I’ve lost my Domain Name! Can you help recover it?

Yes – depending on the precise circumstances.

The most common way in which people “lose” a Domain Name is if they either miss the expiry/renewal deadline – or are “duped” into transferring it to a rogue Third Party (typically offering heavily discounted registration and/or hosting charges).

Recovering a “lost” or lapsed Domain can be a very challenging and time-consuming exercise, but I have experience in these situations and can potentially reclaim it for you.

Due to the nature of this service (and how Domain Names work) any such input comes with no guarantee of success – but I will do whatever I can to help you recover your treasured Domain(s).

Enquire about Domain Recovery

Can I arrange my own hosting for my Website?

You can do, but this is generally not recommended.

If you opt to source and purchase your own Website hosting, the level of support available from Mounsey Web Consultancy is restricted.

It may also be the case that you end up choosing a hosting package which is not suitable for your specific needs – wasting time & money in the process.

Worth bearing in mind:

Your primary point of contact (in the event of a problem, such as your Website being “down” or offline) would be the hosting company – and not Mounsey Web Consultancy. In such scenarios I remain on hand to offer any input or assistance – but any input and support time would be chargeable (whereas it is included, when your hosting is arranged and supplied by Mounsey Web Consultancy).

“Support” from hosting companies is also often outsourced to third parties based overseas. I have, in fairness, had some good experiences of that arrangement. I have also had some terrible experiences too..

Still prefer to go it alone?

That’s ok. In certain circumstances it may still be the case that you prefer to arrange hosting direct. In such scenarios I recommend “1&1 Internet” (be sure to opt for one of their “LINUX” hosting packages and not “Windows” hosting, or else I would not be in a position to build your Website). Note: Windows hosting is different to and should not to be confused with Windows desktop computers. I used Windows PCs all the time, but my Website hosting is always with the (generally more reliable) LINUX hosting.

Confused? You did ask!

If you have any questions about hosting, please contact me to discuss your options.


Is the Free Website Appraisal service really free?


(but the offer can’t last forever, so if you are interested be sure to request yours today)

How much do you charge for Hosting?

Hosting is charged in advance and on a recurring, annual basis.

(until such a time that your Website is either cancelled or transferred away).

Please note that Hosting charges are paid upfront (for the upcoming year) and on a non-refundable basis. If you wish to commit in advance (e.g. pay for more than 1x year at a time, up front) then discounts may be available (please contact me for further details).

Current Hosting Charges (Spring, 2018)

  • Standard Websites: from £100
  • eCommerce-enabled Websites: £250 ##
  • Single page “Holding” and “Sign-Post” style Sites: £25 (note: this is included if you opt for my “Web Presence Foundations Pack”).
  • Update: For clients seeking an “All-in-One” universal annual fee (covering not only their Hosting, but also comprehensive backups, WordPress updates and more), I am introducing a new “Hosting365” option during 2018. This will be charged a flat, annual rate and represent (even better) value for money. Please enquire for details and keep an eye on mounsey.blog for details of when this exciting new Hosting service is available

The prices stated are typically correct, but can vary in some circumstances (for example for large-scale Websites, where dedicated / bespoke Hosting may be required).

## Also includes the registration of an entry-level “SSL” security certificate (additional more advanced SSL options are also available, at additional cost). SSL certificates are also available for non-eCommerce Websites too (please enquire).

How much does a typical Website cost?

The $64,000 question.
Fortunately the answer is typically considerably less than that.

This is without doubt the most common question I am asked by prospective new clients – and as a small business myself, I can understand why. Price is always a key factor when considering any investment in your business – and Website design and development is no exception.

Unfortunately though, there is no quick and easy answer – the simple reason being that there is no such thing as a “typical” Website.

No two Websites should ever be the same, so I produce individual, unique quotations for each and every project I am asked about.

Request an obligation-free quote




It can take time (warning: patience required), but contrary to what you may have been told or read elsewhere it is possible to conquer the summit of Google – and stay there.

In order to try and achieve this I use only “White Hat” (legal, Google-approved) techniques when building Websites and promoting them online. No “link farms”, no content sp@m.

I have a broad range of techniques at my disposal – and a proven track record with building or adapting Websites to achieve consistent “Page One” rankings.

To discuss your Search Engine ranking goals, please contact me for an initial informal chat.

Is Google the ONLY Search Engine I should be interested in?

In a word, no (and yes).

Let me explain..

With a current* (*Source: Statista.comcirca July, 2018.) UK market share north of 80%, it is easy to fall into the trap of only thinking about Google, when considering Search Engine Optimisation and other digital marketing opportunities (such as PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising).

In simple terms, 4 out of every 5 searches by people in the UK are carried out on the mighty Google.

That’s a huge majority, with MicroSoft’s Bing coming a distant 2nd with a meagre 12% market share (the remaining 8% is shared between the Jurassic Yahoo! and lesser-known search portals).

Consider this for as moment:

Would you turn away 1 from every 5 prospective customers who tried to enter your retail premises, or enquire by other means?

Of course not! For this reason alone I strongly recommend that all clients at the very least consider Bing (in particular) – when planning their SEO targets and so on. It is true that Bing has nothing approaching the public profile of that of Google. However, what many people don’t realise is that Bing powers a number of other places where people typically search the Web (key examples being other MicroSoft products such as Xbox video game consoles and prior to that all (now effectively defunct) WindowsPhone smartphones).

If your budgets for SEO monitoring are tight, clearly Google (and your rankings on there) should remain your primary area of focus. However, if you have a larger budget available – or feel like you have exhausted all avenues on Google, broadening your “Search” horizons is certainly a very good idea.

SEO Services from @mounsey

Where is the best place to hide a dead body?

On Page 2 of the Google search results…

NOT the most tasteful of responses – but sadly this old “joke” from the Web Development sector isn’t far from the truth.

In today’s fast-moving, mobile world it has never been more important that your Website and Social Media profile pages rank highly on Google and Bing (the latter being MicroSoft’s lesser-known, but also popular Search Engine). Numerous independent research studies have found that people seldom look beyond the results (and Sponsored Ads) on Page 1 of matching results.

The good news is that Mounsey Web Consultancy has many years of “hands-on” experience helping new and existing Websites firmly establish themselves on the major Search Engines – and then steadily (and sometimes rapidly) climb the rankings over time.

In order to achieve that, regular monitoring, reporting and tweaking input is required – and these three techniques form key parts of my Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Service.



Do you offer training other than on WordPress?

Yes, I most certainly do!

Whilst I do specialise in offering WordPress training, I am also able to offer expert advise and tailored sessions on other key platforms. Please get in touch, as I can help.

My training services are available to all – even if your Website has been built by a third party. I specialise in WordPress-powered Websites, but can also advise on other key areas such as (but not limited to): Amazon Seller Central; Google’s “G Suite” (formerly known as Google Apps For Work); Ebay – and much more.

For further information please refer to the dedicated Training Services page


Is there a particularly good/bad time of year to launch a new Website?

This will depend largely on the type of Website you have in mind – and also what industry sector you operate in.

For eCommerce-enabled Websites, it would not, for example, be wise launching anywhere close to the busiest times of year for online shopping (the so-called “Black Friday”, “Cyber Monday” and of course Christmas being three key examples).

Avoid the temptation to “cash-in” on such events at short notice and without the necessary planning! Instead, to effectively capitalise on such potentially lucrative periods, it is important to be already fully up and running well in advance. Failing to do so is more likely to lead to unpredictable technical gremlins, difficulties with order fulfilment (leading to customer disappointment) and also the temptation to introduce “knee-jerk” style offers, if Website traffic and/order levels fall short of your expectations..

On personal experience I have found that the spring & autumn can be ideal development periods – as they tend to be less prone to being interrupted by the likes of school holidays, Christmas and so on. If you need further guidance on launch timing, get in touch.

How long will it take for my Website to be built?

Or: How long is a piece of string.. ?

In all seriousness though, this is a difficult question to answer accurately – as each and every Web development project is different..

Size and complexity are the two most significant factors, so although I have successfully designed and launched an entire Website in a few days from scratch, this is something of a rarity.

Another key consideration here is how much of your planned content for the Website (text and images) you have ready for me from Day #1. As you might expect, the more you have planned in advance (and the clearer the information supplied), the smoother (and quicker) the development process will be.

If you need any help with planning, collating, writing and submitting your content, please ask – as this may well be another area I can assist with.


What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

Typically the source of a LOT of unnecessary confusion… I’ll try and address and explain this one succinctly!

In short: Websites created on WordPress.com are typically hosted by WordPress (.com) and also created on there (real world example: https://shefunistudents.wordpress.com/). This needn’t be a restriction, but it does mean your hands are tied in many other ways (for example access to plugins is not fully open, etc.).

WordPress.com is effectively the present-day incarnation of how WordPress began: As a blogging platform.

OK. What about WordPress.org then?

All WordPress Websites devised & developed by @mounsey are hosted externally (by industry-leading suppliers tried & tested by @mounsey), using the very latest WordPress “stable build” (version). The software is typically sourced directly from WordPress.org – which acts as the “front Window” for promoting all professionally developed WordPress activities.

Has that made things any clearer? Possibly not! To put it another way:

  • Are you… planning to build your own personal (hobby/family) Website? Check out WordPress.com
  • Are you… requiring a professional, custom-built Website for your business or employer? Talk to @mounsey about WordPress(.org)!

XYZ (miscellaneous)

How much experience do you have?

I’ve been designing, developing and hosting Websites for 18+ years.

Mounsey Web Consultancy officially launched in the spring of 2013..

..but I’ve been building professional Websites for businesses & private individuals for a lot longer than that!

Mid-way through my 4 year degree course down in London (Goldsmiths College; 1994~1998) I took an immediate interest in the then very much embryonic “World Wide Web”. Such was my high level of interest it became a focal point of and platform for my final major project.

After successfully graduating I secured a job building Websites at a local Chamber of Commerce (in Chesterfield). That was the Autumn of 1998… and I’ve been building Websites ever since!

Who won the F.A. Cup in 1987?

Coventry City Football Club (3-2, after extra-time).

Where is the best place to hide a dead body?

On Page 2 of the Google search results…

NOT the most tasteful of responses – but sadly this old “joke” from the Web Development sector isn’t far from the truth.

In today’s fast-moving, mobile world it has never been more important that your Website and Social Media profile pages rank highly on Google and Bing (the latter being MicroSoft’s lesser-known, but also popular Search Engine). Numerous independent research studies have found that people seldom look beyond the results (and Sponsored Ads) on Page 1 of matching results.

The good news is that Mounsey Web Consultancy has many years of “hands-on” experience helping new and existing Websites firmly establish themselves on the major Search Engines – and then steadily (and sometimes rapidly) climb the rankings over time.

In order to achieve that, regular monitoring, reporting and tweaking input is required – and these three techniques form key parts of my Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Service.


What is the difference between a tortoise and a turtle?

I wasn’t expecting you to ask, but in case you did I’ve pre-prepared this answer:

Tortoises spend all of their time on good old terra firma (I like their style..) – whereas turtles spend the majority of their time in/under) water.

(don’t ask me about terrapins – I have no idea without Googling it).

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