Funky Sprout

Funky Sprout (logo)

In their own words, Funky Sprout is "all about creating unusual, quirky jewellery, handmade to the highest standard at affordable prices."

A truly inspiring client, Funky Sprout was founded by Becky Jackson initially as prize-winning school project! Incredibly, the business has already been established in on guise or another for over 10 years (that milestone having been reached and in part celebrated by the commision of this, their brand-new Website, in Spring 2020).

Background & Brief

  • A design & develop a single eCommerce Website, capable to accepting orders from both "trade" and "retail" customers (with different pricing structures)
  • To be administered by one central control panel
  • To prominently feature and reflect the Client's branding and general "vibe"

The Development Process

Working from the Client's long-standing brand identity and logo, I was able to quickly create a visual concept framework - initially focussing on selected consumer shop pages (the wholesale/trade ordering considerations were to come later in the development process). Having presented my suggested design layout, this was swiftly approved - and I was able to crack on with additional page layouts and templates.

Part-way into the design and development process, the additional wholesale pricing plugins were licensed directly by the client - and I set these up alongside the existing WooCommerce installation. Extensive, additional testing was an important consideration here, the paramount concern being to ensure that no discounted "Trade" pricing could be viewed by standard (non-wholesale) customers.

Moving towards the end of the development, some additional "rules" were configured, as the client had at least one long-standing wholesale customer who had their own, unique pricing rates. The system I had carefully researched and trialled was more than capable of meeting this more complex requirement. Further, final testing was then carried out.

stripe (logo)

Following my recommendation (having showcased the benefits) the Client opted to integrate with Stripe for all Website payments.

The Finished Article

The completed Website was launched in March, 2020 (by unfortunate coincidence this was in the early stages of "lockdown" during the global COVID-19 pandemic).

Take a look:

Funky Sprout ~ Crafting Since 2010 (logo)

< Portfolio
Client Funky Sprout
Sector(s) Giftware, Wholesale, Events
Year 2020
Technologies WordPress, WooCommerce, CSS, Bespoke Coding, SiteOrigin Page Builder, Trade Ordering System(s)
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