Google Workspace

G Suite by Google (formerly Google Apps For Work)

Professional Email & cloud-based office tools - from Google.

What is Google Workspace? (formerly known as "G Suite")

Google Workspace is a package of cloud-based services that can provide your company or school with a whole new way to work together online -- not just using email and chat, but over video conferences, social media, real-time document collaborations, and more...

Source: Google

Google Workspace is absolutely fantastic - and I've effectively built and run my business operations almost entirely on the platform...

Source: John Mounsey


When I launched Mounsey Web Consultancy as a new start-up business in 2013, I was concerned by the prohibitively high costs of MicroSoft Office, so researched other options as a priority.

Surely a more cost-effective and forward-thinking alternative was available? Indeed it was - and better still (for my personal circumstances) the ideal solution was from the existing provider of my Email service - Google.

Formerly known as "Google Apps For Work" and more recently "G Suite", Google Workspace offers a comprehensive range of Email and cloud office tools - for a fraction of the cost (prices start at a little over £4, per user, per month and I am typically able to offer a discount of 10% off ALL User costs for the first year).

Since signing up for the service I have never looked back, and have since upgraded my own account (which now comes with an unlimited amount of cloud storage - courtesy of Google Drive).

On a day-to-day basis Google Workspace plays a key part in the running of Mounsey Web Consultancy - from typical Email and Calendar usage, through to securely hosting cloud backups of Websites, photo storage (Google Photos), spreadsheets (Google Sheets) - and much, much more..

Update: As of 2021, Google Workspace now also includes and seamlessly integrates Google's excellent video meetings service: "Google Meet". A fantastic alternative to the likes of Zoom, Skype and MicroSoft Teams, Meet requires no additional software and works brilliantly. Personally, of the major video conferencing/meeting platforms, I truly find it not only the most reliable but also easiest to use. Please contact me for further details on that exciting addition to the Workspace set of tools.

Take Google Workspace for a spin - free trial available!

In close partnership with Google, Mounsey Web Consultancy are able to offer interested parties a FREE one month trial of Google Workspace. Better still, I often have unique discount codes availablewhich could save you 10% on your first year's subscription to the service (should you wish to continue using the service).

To date I have successfully helped numerous clients make the transition from their existing Email provider/platform - over to the Google Workspace service. My comprehensive migration service also includes the transfer of your existing contacts and even (optionally) your existing Email messages. Please enquire for details.

Should you require further help, I also offer on-site installation and Google Workspace Training (each of which are quoted for on bespoke, tailored basis - ensuring you get maximum value from my input - and also from Google Workspace itself).

Further information.

Google have recently supplied me with a simple introductory fact-sheet to Google Workspace (also available at any time via the "Downloads" section on the footer of

Start a free Google Workspace trial

(ignore the pricing in $USD on the first screen)

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