MailChimp Email Marketing

Email Marketing Services artwork (powered by MailChimp)

Reward your most loyal customers – and increase visits and orders in the process.

Email marketing is a powerful way of boosting the level of return visits and order levels (where applicable) on your existing Website. After all, customers who choose to “opt-in” to receive a newsletter are typically your most loyal audience, having already shown an interest in what your business has to offer – and also declaring an interest in being kept informed about your latest developments.

Establishing an occasional Email newsletter is a proven way of keeping your products & services in the minds of your existing customers and casual subscribers.

@mounsey can offer expert advice on the content you should consider including, along with technical input on embedding MailChimp “Sign-up” forms on your Website in the first place. These short and easy to use forms enable additional interested parties to subscribe at any time (see my own sign-up form for @mounsey).

Key aspects of this service:

  • Consultancy advice on how Email marketing can help your business operations
  • Comprehensive MailChimp account setup service (for those starting from scratch)
  • Configuration and embedding of “Sign-up” form(s) for your Website(s)
  • Creation and publication of your newsletters/messages
MailChimp (logos)
@mounsey work with and recommend market-leading Email marketing service MailChimp. Sign-up

See an example of the @mounsey Newsletter

@mounsey Newsletter Sign-up

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