Having a great Website counts for little - if no-one can find it..
- Are you disappointed by the level of visitors and/or orders your Website generates..?
- Is it difficult to find your Website(s) on Google..?
- Is your current Website slow to load, or incompatible with modern smartphones and tablets..?
If one or more of these scenarios sound all too familiar, then my Search Engine Optimisation services (commonly referred to simply as "SEO") can certainly help improve things. Can @mounsey Web Consultancy help get your Website to the top of Google? Yes, yes we can.
Start with a firm-footing
To get you off to the best possible start, Websites designed & developed by Mounsey Web Consultancy are "primed" to be Search Engine friendly.
This is a a built-in service, not an optional extra.
When assembling and publishing your content, I take all of the necessary steps to ensure that the correct formatting for text is used at all times. Image resources are named and captioned in such a way that Google, Bing and other Search Engines accurately understand the information that they are absorbing.
No cutting of corners, no shortcuts taken. Perfection takes time.. but it is worth the extra input & investment.
Launch day is just the beginning!
Even with these good practices and attention to detail in place, it can still be a challenging and at times unpredictable process to then help your Website climb the search results. The ultimate aim being to secure (and then hold onto) a place on the coveted "Page One" of Google.
This is where my on-going, cost-effective SEO Monitoring, Reporting and Tweaking service comes into play:
- Monitoring.. Each month I track the performance of your pre-agreed targeted Keywords
- Reporting.. I then digest the statistics and rankings and present them to you (in PDF format, via Email)
- Tweaking.. Changes are applied to your Website, influenced by my findings during monitoring & reporting

SEO services from @mounsey are priced on a tailored, case-by-case basis - starting from just £30 per month (when monitoring & reporting on a single targeted Keyword). Better still, an initial report is available free of charge (request yours below).